They are now avoiding my calls and not returning numerous e-mails or voice mails. They did the wrong procedure on my car and never actually did what needed to be replaced for my car to be legal and ok to drive. And if it has been previously worked on they are to proceed with procedure a which instructs them to do an air compression inspection for internal damage and give a certificate of correction. I found the recall instructions online from Mazda to the dealer which instructs the dealer to replace the parts if they have not been replaced on any previous occasion (which was procedure b). (they were found in my exhaust) I got no help from the dealer. Here I am one year later and I had my car looked at and it appears that two of the screws must have come loose due to the recall. That if the part broke that I would be responsible for it even though it was a recall. When I retrieved my car they gave me a certificate of correction, but informed me that nothing had been fixed and that they were only authorized to inspect. I received an oil change and then they were to inspect it due to the recall. A year ago I took my car into the dealership because of a recall (recall 3005c) to get it checked out (this is what the letter from Mazda asked me to do) my car was there only two hours and only looked at maybe about thirty minutes. (you could hear a rattling noise) it sounded like a piece of metal rattling around in the engine. Very recently a loud noise was coming from my engine.

On several occasions the engine has hesitated and shut the car off. For over two and a half yrs, my car has had a rough idling noise and the engine often hesitates and wants to turn off.