Why is she not better known? Anyway I have since become a true follower of hers and have decided to renovate the hotel into a monument in her honour. I thin looked up her name on google and was completely astonished at what I learnt. Then my husband and I bought a run down property in the centre of Marrakech in Morocco (with the plan to convert it into a boutique hotel) and learnt from an elderly neighbour that she lived in our house in the 40s. Two years ago I hadnt even heard of Josephine 'La Baker'.

We have met two of Josephines sons and they were both competely charming so they somehow must have overcome their adolescent wildness as most of us do! They were as wild and unruly as a pack of young wolves, and Baker had little experience as a mother." But her slaps no longer intimidated them. Baker had acquired 10 sons, with only seven years separating the youngest and the oldest, and they turned into a horde of hyperactive teenagers - going out at night, falling in love, staying away for days at a time, rattling around the neighborhood on their mopeds, getting drunk, taking drugs, stealing and wearing hippy clothes that their mother didn't like. "They rebelled when they reached puberty. Unfortunately, it seems things got pretty rocky between Josephine and her children, toward the end:

If you copy this text below, you can follow Google to an interesting article that provides more details regarding her children.

Like Joseph, I found myself curious to learn more about what became of her children. I've been a fan of her music for years (great during a winter's night party), but knew very little of her story. cummings, Jean Cocteau and Ernest Hemingway, who thought she was "the most beautiful woman there is, there ever was, or ever will be." Wealthy beyond her wildest dreams, Josephine had a penchant for dressing in designer clothes and parading her pet leopard down the elegant Champs Elysées. Thanks to Josephine's star billing at the Folies Bergère and the subsequent opening of her own cabaret in Pigalle, the "Venus of Ebony" quickly became one of the highest paid entertainers in Europe and the favorite of artists and intellectuals such as Picasso, Maurice Chevalier, e. Josephine's long career in show business began at the Revue Nègre at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées where her sensual dances captivated the audience. Describing her act, the French critic Pierre de Régnier wrote, “She is in constant motion, her body writhing like a snake or more precisely like a dipping saxophone. She made her way to New York where she caught the eye of an American talent scout looking for African American performers to take to Paris. Louis, Missouri in 1906.Īfter a difficult childhood in which she was hired out as a maid whose hands were scalded as punishment for using too much soap for the laundry, Josephine started working as a dancer at a young age. The Gothic facade, stained glass windows, gargoyles and terraced gardens must have seemed like a fairy tale come true for the performer who was born in the slums of St. Perched on a craggy hill overlooking the Dordogne River, it's easy to understand why Josephine fell in love with Château des Milandes, calling it her "Sleeping Beauty Castle". It's one of the many intriguing facts that I learned about the American Music Hall performer while visiting the museum dedicated to her life and career at the castle she purchased in 1947. If I'm ever asked this question while playing Trivial Pursuit, I'll be quick to respond, "Josephine Baker". Who was the American superstar who adopted 10 boys and 2 girls of different races and religions because she believed that people of all nationalities could live together in peace?